Expand Your Consciousness to Manifest with Certainty

This practical workshop will reveal the 3 powerful Manifestation Keys you can use to release yourself from the old energies that are keeping you stuck so that you can access expanded consciousness to manifest the life you were always meant to be living.


In this NEW free interactive and playful workshop you'll discover:

>> Why being able to access expanded consciousness is your key to get unstuck and experience more freedom and happiness in your life

>> The easy way to come back into alignment with the expanded consciousness of your True Self no matter where you are or what you're doing

>> How to remove the disconnect between your spirituality and your daily life when you unlock the secret to infuse it into everything you do

>> The surprising mistake most people make when they practice gratitude that is sabotaging their manifestations ... and the simple thing you need to do instead

>> PLUS a special live channel from the spirit guide DZAR to activate and align you to the expansive frequency of uncaged manifestation

You’ll leave feeling clear and ready to consistently bring your highest vibration into all areas of your life to fulfil your purpose when you manifest a life that lights you up!

Join Mary & Gary!

Share your details below and we'll send you a link to watch the workshop so you can expand your consciousness to create 2024 as a truly new year!

Real Results from People Like You!

Sue, Teacher

I used to feel really trapped in many areas of life which came from my childhood but now it just doesn’t come up and I'm not uncomfortable around dominating people any more.

It all started with loving myself rather than feeling I had to love everyone else and put them first. It’s been very freeing and for the first time I don’t feel guilty or bad about having clear boundaries that work for me and I no longer take responsibility for things that aren’t my responsibility.

It’s been profound and I’ve had shifts because what you share isn’t in the spiritual handbook!

Julia, Professional Musician

Being in the space was precious and it helped me feel my True Self in the first place and then to maintain it and know how to access it over time.

It was a fantastic space to be, I enjoyed all of it.

Just being on the calls and in the vibration of the Academy I could find all the answers I needed …

I was able to access my own wisdom and guidance and I’ve noticed I’m more in the flow and in the moment of the music and more expressive when I'm playing.

Helma, Mother & Grandmother

When I joined The Ascension Academy my self esteem was low, I didn’t think I was good enough, and I used to worry a lot about what people thought of me, so there was a lot of keeping up appearances but now all of that is just completely gone.

I now feel soft and calm and there’s a freedom in me that was never there before, and if there was one thing I really wanted it was freedom.

I’m also so much freer with my grandchildren and I know they can feel it too, and it’s glorious. 

Connie, Attorney

After 30 years of Buddhism, I am finally looking within for the answers instead of calling someone to get in touch with my Higher Self. I love it!

Now I’m relying on my own voice and I have had amazing experiences.

I’m waking up happy in the morning instead of frustrated and I don’t think Ive ever woken up happy in my life. 

That is what you’d advertised and that is what happened.

Kerri, Accountant

I was at such a pivot in my life and I was looking for something different that would shake up my life and that’s what it’s done.

I was so overwhelmed and depressed at the start but now I have clarity and joy in my life.  

I’m in a different relationship with myself now and I love and nurture myself more.

Mary, School Counsellor

I've been on spiritual quest for 35 years and I feel like I learnt more and changed more than in any other class that I’ve taken.

I'm not as bogged down in the little things because I’m really talking to myself about my Wholeness and I'm not trying to keep fixing things like I used to. I'm even sharing my new understandings in my healing practice, especially the difference between the Taught Self and the True Self and they really get it too because it takes the blame away.

Mary & Gary O'Brien are the channels for spirit guide, DZAR. 
They are the founders of Saffron Heart World global community and hosts of the top ranking podcast, Manifest Your Happiest Life.

Register Now!


Expand Your Consciousness to Manifest with Certainty

This practical workshop will reveal the 3 Manifestation Keys you can use to release yourself from the old energies that are keeping you stuck so that you can access expanded consciousness to manifest the life you were always meant to be living.


In this NEW FREE interactive and playful workshop you'll discover:

>> Why being able to access expanded consciousness is your key to get unstuck and experience more freedom and happiness in your life

>> The easy way to come back into alignment with the expanded consciousness of your True Self no matter where you are or what you're doing

>> How to remove the disconnect between your spirituality and your daily life when you unlock the secret to infuse it into everything you do

>> The surprising mistake most people make when they practice gratitude that is sabotaging their manifestations ... and the simple thing you need to do instead

>> PLUS a special live channel from the spirit guide DZAR to activate and align you to the expansive frequency of uncaged manifestation

You’ll leave feeling clear and ready to consistently bring your highest vibration into all areas of your life to fulfil your purpose when you manifest a life that lights you up!

Join Mary & Gary LIVE!

A replay of the workshop you choose will be sent out however the Manifestation Activation from our spirit guide, DZAR, will only be available to live attendees.




Mary & Gary O'Brien are the channels for spirit guide, DZAR. 
They are the founders of Saffron Heart World global community and hosts of the top ranking podcast Manifest Your Happiest Life