Manifest Your Happiest Life Podcast



Welcome to Manifest Your Happiest Life, the podcast that empowers you to unlock the secrets of the universe that exist within you to create a joyful and abundant life.

We're your hosts, Mary & Gary O’Brien, and we show open-hearted spiritual explorers like you how to fulfil your purpose and manifest your life by tapping into expanded guidance from your Higher Self and the Universe.

Join us each week as we dive deep into the art of combining expanded intuition with heart-based manifestation techniques so you can live as the Light you came here to be.

Whether you're seeking love, abundance, a deeper connection to spirit or simply inner peace, this podcast is your playground for success.

Together we’ll explore what’s keeping you stuck in old patterns and energies and we’ll show you how to become a vibrational match with the Universal Generator Field to manifest lasting change in your life. 

Our unique Woo Woo that Works approach combines timeless wisdom, powerful new paradigms plus actionable strategies that you can implement right away.

We’ll show you how your happiness and ability to live as a Heart Centered Manifester creates a powerful uplift of energy for those around you to experience more happiness and heart connection in their lives as well.

So if you’re ready to free yourself from the restrictions that have been holding you back and to manifest a life that reflects who you truly are, then we look forward to you joining us each week on the "Manifest Your Happiest Life" podcast, the place where magic and manifestation meet, for an fun-filled adventure of self-discovery and personal transformation.

Release Your Core Intuition Blocks

Learn how to tap into expanded intuition with this powerful step-by-step program!